Age and Stages of Child Development

As children move from infants to young adults, they enter different developmental periods. There are many changes in the development of the brain in each of these stages. It is approximately genetically determined that these developments take place and take place. However, the environmental conditions and the shopping with the key people in the vicinity have a significant influence on how each child benefits from each developmental process.
Ages and Stages is a term used to generally summarize key periods in the human development timeline. At every stage, growth and development takes place in primary development areas, physical, intellectual, language and social - emotional. Our aim is to help them understand what is happening in the child's brain and body at every stage of the mother and father's life, with the hope that they can provide support, encouragement, support and intervention to ensure that a child progresses easily at each stage. And it can be successfully applied according to each child's unique characteristics and interests

Babies (0 - 2 years)
It is an exciting and challenging period, especially for first time baby growers. It is a time to develop a bond that will last a lifetime, provide the child with self-esteem and internal resources to improve the ability to positively interact with others. Also, it's time for parents to start discovering who this really is. Every child is unique and parents must learn to recognize, support, encourage and encourage each child's unique qualities and abilities

Babies / Preschoolers (2 - 5 years)
When a child takes the first step, a new development phase begins. At this stage, children are now free to travel around the world. It's time for an active investigation of your surroundings. Language development is an important step forward in learning the names of interesting objects, the ability to ask questions, and the ability to improve the ability to say "NO" as it evolves by discovering its independent nature.
In the course of this development, psychologists face a great deal of difficulty developing things they call emotional regulation. They seem instinctively able to say "no", but they need their parents' help to learn how to get "No" from others.
This is a rapid physical and intellectual developmental phase that also involves working with peers, while at the same time competing physically and intellectually, preparing these children to start the school. A child's parent is a coach who provides the right combination of incentives, support, and guidance. Parents must also act as primary teachers for mastery of basic learning skills and encourage active discussion and experimentation of new concepts and skills

School Age Children (6-12 years)
It may be wonderful to raise children in school age. Watching them try new activities, applauding them at athletic events and applauding their successes in recitals is often one of the most important points for most parents. However, catching success often starts with frustration and sometimes builds on learning forces to learn to accept weaknesses. No matter how well equipped, parents are the perfect coaches for children at this time.
Children who are starting to walk and pre-schoolers are in constant need, while children in school are becoming more and more ready for independence. However, it is not easy for many to learn to make good choices and practice self-discipline. Parents need to provide a moral code that the child progressively internalizes. Parents must provide praise and encouragement for success while children deal with these important tasks, but parents sometimes have to allow them to experience the natural consequences of their behavior or to produce logical consequences to help them learn flaws